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It’s in the Details: The Triton Amenities Hero

It’s in the Details: The Triton Amenities

July 11th, 2018

Luxury knows no bounds at The Triton in scenic Foster City. We’ve taken special care to ensure everything is perfect — including all the little conveniences and big time amenities. Charge your car at the onsite low emission car charging stations. Catch up on social media with community space wi-fi. Keep your clutter at bay with ample bike storage. Keep your pet and your residence nice and clean with our pet salon grooming station. There’s a convenient trash room on each floor to even make that task easier. Elevators are throughout to help you get around faster and easier. On top of all of that, we’ve got a modern fitness center, posh clubhouse for gathering, pool and spa, and a wide variety of water-related amenities. Have it all right now at The Triton in Silicon Valley today!